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Trolley for transporting bands AZETX SHARK 50


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Trolley for transporting bands AZETX SHARK 50 – Max storage : 28 pcs of 2m long elements – each shelf can store 14pcs of 2m long elements. Each trolley for transporting and storing football bands is equipped with a tilting shelf for loading and unloading. It makes it easier to remove elements from the lower level. For safety, the trolley has been equipped with 2 additional plates extending the entire structure – the rear wheels have been mounted outside the outline of the trolley.

  • Trolley dimensions 0.81m x 2.33m
  • Trolley weight 60 kg


Trolley for transporting bands AZETX SHARK 50 – Max storage : 28 pcs of 2m long elements – each shelf can store 14pcs of 2m long elements. Each trolley for transporting and storing football bands is equipped with a tilting shelf for loading and unloading. It makes it easier to remove elements from the lower level. For safety, the trolley has been equipped with 2 additional plates extending the entire structure – the rear wheels have been mounted outside the outline of the trolley.

In this way, the stability of the structure has been improved. As standard, each trolley is equipped with 4 pumped swivel wheels, 230mm high. It will easily leave any warehouse and will be able to easily overcome unevenness on grass or road. On the side of the trolley, we used an additional net for band accessories. The basket has a size of 60cm x 60cm and a depth of 60cm. After delivery, attach the wheels and a clamp with a net for accessories. After assembly, the trolley will widen to 0.81 m wide. The length of the trolley with the net will be 2.93 m. The weight of the trolley, depending on the type of wheels used, will be about 60 kg

  • Trolley dimensions 0.81m x 2.33m
  • Trolley weight 60 kg

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