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Qmax Alpha Carbon stick


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Qmax Alpha Carbon stick was designed differently than all other sticks from the Qmax series. You can see a gentle deviation of the blade from the line of descent down the composite stick. It gives the effect of a crooked shoulder blade, raised and ready to shoot at the bar. The Flex of Qmax Alpha is 2.8 mm. High quality grip in white, green and blue color.
Our stick will facilitate putting the shot on goal with simultaneous raising the ball under the crossbar.


Qmax Alpha Carbon stick was designed differently than all other sticks from the Qmax series. You can see a gentle deviation of the blade from the line of descent down the composite stick. It gives the effect of a crooked shoulder blade, raised and ready to shoot at the bar. The Flex of Qmax Alpha is 2.8 mm. High quality grip in white, green and blue color.
Our stick will facilitate putting the shot on goal with simultaneous raising the ball under the crossbar.

Blade available in colors:

  • olive – Left – hard
  • blue – Left – hard

Available grips:

  • white Qmax
  • green Qmax
  • blue Qmax


  • The floorball stick should end at the between the navel and the diaphragm. If you want to keep the ball well, have better control while playing the ball, use a shorter stick, which ends at the height of the navel.


  • Left stick – holding the stick in your hand – the left hand is at the bottom, right at the top of the stick.
    The player shoots the left side.
  • Right stick – holding the stick in your hand – the right hand is at the bottom, left at the top of the stick. 
    The player shoots the right side.



  • If you want to keep the ball well, have better control while playing the ball, use a shorter stick, which ends at the height of the navel. With a Qmax Alpha floorball stick, always keep your legs bent at the shot. Do not deviate the body during the shot, if you do it, the floorball will fly too high. Your shot will be inaccurate.

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Additional information

Dimensions 120 × 30 × 10 cm
Długość trzonka I / z łopatką I

85 cm / 93 cm, 92 cm / 100 cm, 95 cm / 103 cm, 98 cm / 106 cm

Blade direction

Left – left hand on the bottom of the stick

Blade color

Blue, Olive, Red, Violet

Grip color

Neo black, Neo white