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Heat shrink bag for tires (Karting Race Track)


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Heat shrink bag for tires (Karting Race Track).

– UV stabilization – bags will withstand any weather conditions: frost and high temperatures,
– Fast and easy installation by burning with a hot air gun shortens the working time,
– The bags are disposable but very durable,
– A maximum of 2 tires can fit into one standard bag

Available colors:

  • grey

It is possible to manufacture bags in every color, size, thickness
(minimum order of a given color, which we do not have in stock – 500 items)

Available on back-order


Heat shrink bag for tires (Karting Race Track).

– UV stabilization – bags will withstand any weather conditions: frost and high temperatures,
– Fast and easy installation by burning with a hot air gun shortens the working time,
– The bags are disposable but very durable,
– A maximum of 2 tires can fit into one standard bag

Available colors:

  • grey

It is possible to manufacture bags in every color, size, thickness
(minimum order of a given color, which we do not have in stock – 500 items)

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