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Goalkeeper Jersey and Waistcoat Red


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Goalkeeper Jersey and Waistcoat Red. The jersey’s front protects the goalkeeper against powerful ball hits. There is a foam (bordered both-side, 10mm thick) sewn under the fabric. The effect of such application makes goalies no longer have to use additional protective waistcoats.

The back part is made of a specially punched and breathable material. Sleeves sewn from punched fabric, elbow area secured by an extra pad and an insulation which cushions impacts along the entire length of the sleeve.

Jerseys available in more sizes:


  • 9-10 years – size 146 cm
  • 11-12 years – size 164 cm


  • XS – size 159 cm-169 cm
  • S – size 163 cm-173 cm
  • M – size 168 cm-178 cm
  • L – size 173 cm-183 cm
  • XL – size 178 cm-193 cm


Goalkeeper Jersey and Waistcoat Red. The jersey’s front protects the goalkeeper against powerful ball hits. There is a foam (bordered both-side, 10mm thick) sewn under the fabric. The effect of such application makes goalies no longer have to use additional protective waistcoats.

The back part is made of a specially punched and breathable material. Sleeves sewn from punched fabric, elbow area secured by an extra pad and an insulation which cushions impacts along the entire length of the sleeve.

Jerseys available in more sizes:


  • 9-10 years – size 146 cm
  • 11-12 years – size 164 cm


  • XS – size 159 cm-169 cm
  • S – size 163 cm-173 cm
  • M – size 168 cm-178 cm
  • L – size 173 cm-183 cm
  • XL – size 178 cm-193 cm

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128 cm, 146 cm, 164 cm, L, M, S, XL, XS