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Go-kart Race Track height 33 cm / 24 m


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Go-kart Race Track height 33 cm / 24 m. AZETX is pleased to present a new product which is Go-kart Race Track.

Thanks to the use of highly resistant polyethylene, you will make a band that will ensure long-term use.
In addition, it will provide a safe ride by creating a natural slip for people using the track.
It is enough to mechanically connect our plates with previously prepared tires forming the shape of the track.

Another advantage of the product is resistance to UV radiation, which causes oxidation of the material.
The material shown in the pictures is a polyethylene with a thickness of 5 mm in black.
Our company offers a polyethylene band of any thickness in the maximum sections of 4 m and any height.
The most commonly used band heights range from 20 cm. up to 33 cm.

The purchase price includes a track with a height of 33 cm in sections of 4 m. The total length of the band in a set of 24 m.

If you need a different type of product, please contact us. We will prepare a sample of the material.


For valuations, write to us at office@azetx.eu


Go-kart Race Track height 33 cm / 24 m. AZETX is pleased to present a new product which is Go-kart Race Track.

Thanks to the use of highly resistant polyethylene, you will make a band that will ensure long-term use.
In addition, it will provide a safe ride by creating a natural slip for people using the track.
It is enough to mechanically connect our plates with previously prepared tires forming the shape of the track.

Another advantage of the product is resistance to UV radiation, which causes oxidation of the material.
The material shown in the pictures is a polyethylene with a thickness of 5 mm in black.
Our company offers a polyethylene band of any thickness in the maximum sections of 4 m and any height.
The most commonly used band heights range from 20 cm. up to 33 cm.

The purchase price includes a track with a height of 33 cm in sections of 4 m. The total length of the band in a set of 24 m.

If you need a different type of product, please contact us. We will prepare a sample of the material.

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