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Chrome Wolf LEXX Helmet


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Chrome Wolf LEXX Helmet

A universal size helmet. There is a possibility of matching for juniors and seniors.
A helmet made of very durable and light material. Perfectly protects the goalkeeper with an emphasis on neck protection.
The adjustment system ensures a secure grip on the mask and adapts to any head.

The helmet is IFF certified.

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Chrome Wolf Lexx Helmet

A universal size helmet. There is a possibility of matching for juniors and seniors.
A helmet made of very durable and light material. Perfectly protects the goalkeeper with an emphasis on neck protection.
The adjustment system ensures a secure grip on the mask and adapts to any head.

The helmet is IFF certified.

za darmo

2 piłki do unihokeja za każde wydane 100 zł na zakupy - maksymalnie dostaniesz 30 piłek 🎁

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