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AZETX IN-LINE HOCKEY 50 SHARK HDPE 1/2 corner rink element x 0,50m


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AZETX IN-LINE HOCKEY 50 SHARK HDPE 1/2 corner rink element x 0,50m – designed for the possibility of quickly building training fields in various fields of the game. You can easily and quickly connect the elements of AZETX IN-LINE HOCKEY 50 SHARK with straight elements, creating an arc with a radius of 2m. The height of the in-line hockey rink is 50 cm. The thickness of the sheet from which the element is made is 5 mm. The upper and lower pipe for the safety of children is 40 mm in diameter. In this way, we protect young players from injury. The elements are quickly folded and connected with the upper fixed connector, which stiffens the structure at the board connection. Azetx corner elements is produced with black pipes on the top and on the pavement.


AZETX IN-LINE HOCKEY 50 SHARK HDPE 1/2 corner rink element x 0,50m – designed for the possibility of quickly building training fields in various fields of the game. You can easily and quickly connect the elements of AZETX IN-LINE HOCKEY 50 SHARK with straight elements, creating an arc with a radius of 2m. The height of the in-line hockey rink is 50 cm. The thickness of the sheet from which the element is made is 5 mm. The upper and lower pipe for the safety of children is 40 mm in diameter. In this way, we protect young players from injury. The elements are quickly folded and connected with the upper fixed connector, which stiffens the structure at the board connection. Azetx corner elements is produced with black pipes on the top and on the pavement.


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