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Angle Connector

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Angle Connector. Angle connector is made in three sizes angle: 18, 30, 45 degrees. With angled connectors are connected alternately with straight lines create any arc on the racetrack.
With our items, everyone will be able to easily build any racetrack. Every single element of the band and the safety limiters are cemented by strong Velcro to allow easy assembly and disassembly of the racetracks bands.

System to build the track RC Racing invented and claimed by Azetx has been reported as industrial design


Angle Connector. Angle connector is made in three sizes angle: 18, 30, 45 degrees. With angled connectors are connected alternately with straight lines create any arc on the racetrack.
With our items, everyone will be able to easily build any racetrack. Every single element of the band and the safety limiters are cemented by strong Velcro to allow easy assembly and disassembly of the racetracks bands.

System to build the track RC Racing invented and claimed by Azetx has been reported as industrial design

For valuations, write to us at office@azetx.eu

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