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360° DELUX Economic Ending

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360° DELUX Economic Ending – It’s an excellent system, which also is the end of the main limiters and elastic.
Made of 3mm PE white board. It strengthens the whole structure by which safety limter are very stable and virtually impossible to shift. The elastic element has been designed to be easily able to lengthen the collision and will not harm the car.

The ending system is a better solution compared to the older ending 360 solution.


  • additional reinforcement of the system at the end of the arresters,
  • rigid construction
  • they do not reflect cars that too close will want to overcome the main limiters

System to build the track RC Racing invented and claimed by Azetx has been reported as industrial design


360° DELUX Economic Ending – It’s an excellent system, which also is the end of the main limiters and elastic.
Made of 3mm PE white board. It strengthens the whole structure by which safety limter are very stable and virtually impossible to shift. The elastic element has been designed to be easily able to lengthen the collision and will not harm the car.

The ending system is a better solution compared to the older ending 360 solution.


  • additional reinforcement of the system at the end of the arresters,
  • rigid construction
  • they do not reflect cars that too close will want to overcome the main limiters

System to build the track RC Racing invented and claimed by Azetx has been reported as industrial design

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